Love Stories from the Land of Many Lakes, part 19: Yellow Star Woman's Dream Vision
Star Stories, part 26: A Message From the Thunderbirds
Stories and Teachings from the Earth, part 10: Mother Earth's Rattle
Reflections of the Great Lakes, part 17: Animosh and the Twins
Reflections of the Great Lakes, part 15: Zhingibis and the Return of the Heart Berry
Stories and Teachings from the Earth, part 9: Akiwenzii's Teaching
Reflections of a Storyteller, part 1: When There Is No Snow on the Ground
Spirit of the Seasons, part 6: Mother Earth and the 13 Moons of Creation
Spirit of the Seasons, part 5: When the Spirits of Summer and Winter Meet
Stories and Teachings from the Earth, part 8: A Tribute to Our Medicine Women
Star Stories, part 25: The Mighty Winds From Our Grandfather in the Sky
Star Stories, part 24: The Vision of Sees-Beyond-the-Stars-Woman
Teachings from the Tree of Life, part 13: Living the Mashkikiikewin Life
Teachings from the Tree of Life, part 12: The Healing Dance
What’s Your Doodem, Part 6: Shells, Cranes & Clans - A story of the origin of our clans
The Way of the Heartbeat, part 10: This Is My Ceremony
The Way of the Heartbeat, part 9: The Knowledge in Our Hearts
Teachings from the Tree of Life, part 11: The Mirror
Star Stories, part 23: Eagle Feather Woman and the Visitor from the Stars
Stories and Teachings from the Earth, part 7: The First Sound of Creation