Iskigamizige-giizis (Sugarbushing Moon)/Pokwaagami-giizis (Broken Snowshoe Moon), April 7, 2022

I know this much: A jiimaan is made of birch bark. Birches are spirits capable of dreaming Therefore I believe my jiimaan can dream. Perhaps one day, soon my jiimaan will dream a dream as fluid as the rivers and streams crossing Nimaamaa-aki and as strong as the roots of the cedar trees standing tall on the rocky banks of Gichi-gami. As if powered by a mysterious force beyond, this dream steers my jiimaan along scarlike slopes and enchanted beaches of the finest multi-colored sand along places filled with mysteries and lessons and songs. Through the roar of rushing waves that sing rhythmic songs of magic tales washing ashore since the dawn of times Haw sa, my jiimaan will take me to that hidden place That special cove I can finally call my home.
©2013-2022 Zhaawano Giizhik
Illustration: A Day at the Lake ©2022 Zhaawano Giizhik
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