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Star Stories, part 5: A Vision of Love

Writer's picture: zhaawanozhaawano

Updated: Oct 19, 2020


Abitaa-Niibini-Giizis (Half-way through Summer Moon) / Miskomini-giizis (Raspberry Moon), July 3, 2019

View details of the above wedding ring set "Like a Star in my Vision"



Ingo giizhik noomayaa

anang gii-piidagoojin.

Ningii-mikwan anangoog mii maaminonen zoongidebeskawed geya izhikaaz Gch’manidoo.

Daabishkoo migiziwag ishpiming, anangoog waasizowag, zaagi’idiwin aawechigewag igaye.

Geget sago, niinimoshenh, tu sei una pensiero Una splendida visione delle stelle

Tu sei il mio primo pensiero, tu sei la mia luce e il mio cuore

La mia stella più lucente, tu.



One day not long ago a star fell toward me through the sky.

I remembered that the stars are thoughts of the Great Spirit of the Universe.

Like the eagles soaring high above they reflect, and tell stories of love.

Surely then, sweetheart, you are a thought A splendid vision of the stars.

You are my primary concern, you are my light and my heart.

My most radiant star, you.


© 2019 Zhaawano Giizhik


Sharing Stories of Ojiig by Simone McLeod
Read the first episode of the Star Stories series: Fisher Star Who Lives in the Sun




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